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Diabetes Symptoms: Treating These in Emergency Situations

Diabetes Symptoms Treating These in Emergency Situations

Diabetes symptoms can get really serious sometimes. It is very important to treat these symptoms on time or you may land up in great trouble. All people should be aware of how to treat diabetes symptoms in emergency situations.

Never ever think that the severe case won't strike on you. One may require disaster management anytime. Hence, it is important to prepare oneself for the worst. People with diabetes are living their lives on the edge. Natural disasters can strike upon them anywhere, anytime. The symptoms can strike you without notifying you anything about it.

Hence, it would be wise to keep yourself armed and equipped 24 x 7. You may require to fight a battle anytime during your life time. A) Here are some tips coming straight from the experts to make you understand how to prepare yourself in coping with diabetes and its worst symptoms. a) Emergency kit If you have diabetes, the first thing you need to do is keep your emergency kit or diabetic supplies handy.

The kit should contain enough supplies to last for about a minimum of one week. Make sure that your emergency kit contains all the medical supplies, regular emergency items and updated copies of your medical records. When it comes to medical supplies, your emergency kit for diabetes should contain fabric, syringes, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, blood glucose meter, testing strips and other important items to manage your diabetes on a daily basis. If you are keeping certain non perishable beverages and snacks on hand, make sure that these include bottled water, dry cereals, canned fruits, granola bars, juice boxes, peanut butter crackers and certain other snacks to control your diabetes.

A first aid kit, candles, gloves, whistle, matches, radio, flashlight and spare batteries, must be included. b) Awareness among people Make sure that people around you, you tend to trust must know that you are a diabetic. This ensures that you get medical attention in case of an emergency.

Medical experts also recommend to keep certain kind of medical art jewelry 24x7. c) Keep your medicines safe You need to treat the insulin as cool as possible without freezing. Remember that extreme temperature and humidity can affect medication, test strips and even glucose monitors. d) Steer clear of dehydration Remember that dehydration can be lethal to people with diabetes.

High blood sugars may dry and when exposed to high temperature, your body tends to perspire heavily. Make sure that your body gets plenty of liquids. Keep a bottle of boiled handy whenever you go. e) Wash your hands This is the most important things to do in case of an emergency. Make sure, you wash your hands frequently after each situation.

This ensures minimum chances for contamination. Wash your hands thoroughly with a medicated soap prior to having food or medicines. B) Some tips to cope up with diabetes 1. Exercise regularly. 2.

Eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies. 3. Lose your weight if you are obese.

4. Eat healthy. 5. Keep tabs on your glucose levels Follow all the tips mentioned in this article and you will be able to cope up with diabetes easily.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about DIABETES please visit DIABETES GUIDES and DIABETES TIPS

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