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Basal Cell Epithelioma - Prevention Tips and Treatment Methods

Basal Cell Epithelioma Prevention Tips and Treatment Methods

A basal cell carcinoma is a skin cancer that originates from basal keratinocytes in the top layer of the skin. These tumors typically appear on sun-exposed skin, are slow growing, and rarely metastasize. In the United States skin cancer is the most common malignant tumor. Basal Cell Cancer will affect one in five Americans. It is most often found on the face, neck, hands, or other parts of the body that have been exposed to the sun. Basal cell carcinoma is usually a problem for people with fair skin and a poor ability to tan.

In the United States, Caucasians have a 28% to 33% chance of developing a basal cell carcinoma over a lifetime. These cancers seem to be associated with exposure to ultraviolet light; they tend to develop on sun-exposed areas. Basal cell carcinomas are most common from middle age until old age. Basal cell carcinomas are caused by genetic damage to a skin cell. Basal cell carcinoma is usually a problem for people with fair skin and a poor ability to tan.

Exposure to sunlight, the most frequent association (UVB, 290-320 nm, which causes sunburn. Other determining factors include your family's history of skin cancer problems and an impaired immune system. Basal cell carcinoma is less serious than the other two types of skin cancer. Interferon alpha injected into the tumor is sometimes effective for basal cell carcinomas. Other imiquimod cream has been used recently for the treatment of BCC.

Electrodesiccation and curettage is a short procedure and is effective in treating primary nodular. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the clinically apparent tumor.Cryosurgery has good cosmetic results and good cure rates when treating tumors with well-defined clinical margins (eg, nodular BCC). Ionizing radiation is a good treatment option for patients who are not surgical candidates, especially those patients who have facial tumors. Mohs micrographic surgery is time consuming, and patients might require additional anesthesia before each stage. Radiation therapy requires multiple visits.

Genetic disorders such as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum, and albinism. Avoid sun exposure, wear hats and other protective clothing, and use sunscreens with a sun protection factor of at least 15. Basal Cell Epithelioma -Prevention and Treatment Tips 1. Radiation therapy is less effective for nonfacial tumors. 2. Avoid sun exposure, wear hats and other protective clothing.

3. Interferon alpha injected into the tumor is sometimes effective for basal cell carcinomas. 4. Imiquimod cream has been used recently for the treatment of BCC. 5.

Electrodesiccation is a short procedure and is effective in treating primary nodular.

Juliet Cohen writes health articles for skin diseases and skin disorders. She also writes articles for hair styles.

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